1997 - 2003
• O’BRIAN opens for business.
• Secured first long-term contract in September 1997 (Soul City Institute for Health and Development)
• Consolidated our presence in the public sector and made significant inroads into the private sector
• Opened the Durban office in July 2007.
• Expanded across the border, starting a partner office in Gaborone, Botswana in 2009.
• Recorded the best financial performance ever for the group at R43,7m for the year ending 2010.
2004 – 2010
2011- 2019
• The world credit crunch leads to the contraction of the Industry, wiping out several years of growth and gains.
• The private sector pulled back from supporting and giving business to black-owned agencies, leading to staff retrenchments, downscaling and re-structuring of operations.